Maximum safety, availability, and investment protection for your electrical installations.
Качество сделало ГК Bender известной во всём мире
Мы обещаем обеспечить полную электрическую безопасность нашим настоящим и потенциальным клиентам.
Находя решения для конкретных областей применения, мы стремимся использовать инновационные технологии, гарантирующие максимальную электробезопасность для людей и машин.
ISOMETER®, Isolation monitors, Ground fault detection – Ground fault location - Ground fault relays
Universal measuring devices (also power analysers) of the PEM product line record all relevant electrical quantities of electricity networks and provide transparency for electrical installations.
Loop monitors for ground continuity, 1AC/3AC/3NAC Voltage relays, 1AC/3AC/3NAC Current relays, Phase Monitoring, Phase Sequence, Phase Asymmetry
iso-PV for isolation monitoring in solar systems – EDS for quick and reliable localization of ground faults in solar systems - VMD423 for reliable electricity infeed through renewable power plants (monitors voltage and frequency)
UNIMET® stands for standard-compliant tests and measurements, easy operation, wide interface variety and high-quality service.