Bender expert new to the FKT Electrical Systems department

Ralf Gudelius

In mid-February, Ralf Gudelius was appointed to the Electrical Systems department of the German Hospital Technology Association (FKT). As a manufacturer-independent expert, he will be responsible for all issues relating to electrical safety in healthcare facilities. 

Gudelius is a state-certified electrical engineer and has worked for Bender since 1993. He has been in charge of hospital technology sales in North Rhine-Westphalia for many years. He specialises in fail-safe power supplies in hospitals and other healthcare facilities. For many years, he has also been passing on his knowledge as a speaker for specialised lectures and training courses on electrical safety in hospitals. 

The FKT is the largest German professional association for senior technical staff in healthcare facilities. Its aim is to provide the healthcare sector with the best possible, future-oriented technical infrastructure. The task of the department is to advise the FKT on technical issues, to co-operate with other associations, companies, committees and authorities on electrical safety issues and to influence the development of standards.  

René Bülow, Head of the Hospital Business Unit at Bender: ‘We are delighted that Ralf Gudelius is supporting this important FKT department with his expertise on safe and intelligent power supply in healthcare facilities and wish him every success.’


About the FKT: The Fachvereinigung Krankenhaustechnik e.V. (FKT) has been in existence since 1974 and its members are engineers, architects, planners and technicians, as well as industry and service providers from the hospital and healthcare facility sector.